BootcampC: Introduction

Commercialising research data bootcamp: Introduction

Section 1 of 5

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This online tutorial is appropriate for all members of the University who are considering commercially exploiting their research data – for example, by applying for a patent or using a licence to generate revenue. It will be relevant whether or not your research is funded by an external sponsor, or involves an external or student collaborator. The aim is to enable you to understand how you can capitalise on your intellectual property whilst still meeting data sharing requirements set by funders, publishers and the University’s research data policy. You can work through the tutorial step-by-step using the navigation arrow on the right or the links at the bottom of each screen.

The tutorial includes several questions and the answer to each question will be revealed when you make your selection. These are designed to reinforce your understanding. Your use of the tutorial and your responses to the questions are not recorded.

This tutorial will guide you through some of the issues associated with commercialising research data and when you should take action to solve these, and point you towards resources at the University of Bristol that can assist you in this process. It should take you about 20 minutes to complete.

The information contained within this tutorial is also available as a guidance document (pdf).


Data sharing is increasingly required by funders and journal publishers, and is encouraged by the University’s data management policy. However, this should not prevent you capitalising on your intellectual property (IP). If your data or your research in general has commercial applications, you may not wish to share your data openly, but there are different approaches that will allow you to meet expectations on data sharing and still protect your IP.